Wednesday 27 August 2014

Welcome to my blog!

Hello all, and welcome to my official blog website :)

My name is Kevin Taing, and I am currently a university student from Queensland, Australia. 
Here on this blog, I'll be updating moments of my life, including interesting stories or anything on my mind pretty much. As you may know, each person is different, and each have their own set of skills, passions and dreams.

For myself, I have a strong passion towards

  1. Technology
  2. Art
  3. Tennis
Since I was young, technology has always astounded me. Ever since the day that my dad brought home an IBM laptop with one those red dots in the middle of the keyboard which was a mouse, I've always been interested in technology. What has astounded me even further is how fast technology advances, and how much it affects our daily lives now (i.e. Smartphones, apps, smart watches).

Art was something some people would either consider to be something they were really good or really bad at. Some say the ability to produce amazing art is a 'god-given talent', and most people have said I have been given that talent. However I disagree with this. I considered myself to be really good at art, but not a talent. Ever since I was a child, I was drawing for fun as a means to entertain myself and those around me. From memory, my first drawings were actually horrible, and I would doodle all over the house in permanent marker. When I was scolded for it, I knew art had limitations to its acceptance in society, So I decided to practice drawing in my own private book. This allowed me to relieve this tendency for wanting to draw so much, and allowed me to fine tune my hand-eye co-ordination. 

By the time I was in 4th grade in Primary school, my art was being recognized not just by my friends, but also my teachers as well. I won many art contests and was nominated to draw for my class in projects many times. So some people might say I was given a talent in art, but truthfully it was my early passion and interest in art that drove me to be as good as I am right now. You can have all the talent in the world, but in the end it will come down to your passion and drive that determines your true skill cap. Since there is no such thing as perfect art, it is impossible to be the very best at it. That's what makes art so interesting and competitive at the same time. 

Over my high school holiday break, I took up tennis lessons with my sister in order to get some exercise and get active (I usually like to just sit around rather than exercise haha). Something interesting sparked in my mind as I held the racquet for the first time. Now for disclaimer, I have played tennis before when I was around 11, but my eye-sight was horrible and my dad wasn't exactly the best teacher. But now as a grown male (kinda) with glasses/ contacts, I felt much more connected to the racquet, but better yet the court. I felt like it was just a video game to me now, and I knew what angles and positioning to attack and defend from (just like in Virtua Tennis 4). It felt really good hitting a clean forehand, especially a cross court winner. I always tried to emulate the great Roger Federer's forehand, and on that day it felt exactly as I imagined it. Although my backhand and serve were not on par, I wanted to practice tennis as much as I could to become an even better played. 

I had no desire to become professional as I had plans already to enroll into university at the time, and it was a good choice for 2 reasons.
  1. It is extremely competitive now to become a tennis professional, yet alone win 
  2. You have to start your career very early in your teens, and be extremely 'talented' at tennis
Tennis is possibly my greatest hobby now, as I also enjoy watching the grand slams and ATP tour events. 

So anyway that was a little introduction about me and my interests, and my blog will probably be mainly dedicated to those 3 particular things, unless something major happens :)
Hope I get to meet you all! (or anyone who reads this at all haha >_<).

*p.s Notice thatthe bold letters in my list spells out SAO... SWORD ART ONLINE 4 LIFE

Peace out ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)

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